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Monday, March 14

Featured in the Metro You Magazine!

    This is the current issue for the month of March! (Im the one on the left if your wondering). I shot a wedding last year and had one of my good friends Ryan Doyle do the videography. He is amazing...so amazing that he got me credited in Metro You magazing!!!
    Ryan is the Founder and Inspirational Director of a 501(c)3 non-profit organization called Live to Give Foundation (L2G) that he started in 2006 as a junior at the University of Michigan. Rather than chasing the high profile jobs after college, he his time building a team of "dogooders", raising money and giving it to Michigan families and non-profits that need it so badly in these economic times. When he's not "changing the world", he is behind  mic giving motivational speeches to high schools, universities and local events. 

Visit his website at: http://www.videovision360.com/

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