I was hired to shoot another birthday, but this month I found that not only is it long and hard (depending on the size of the party), but has the potential to be very accident prone. This 'particular' birthday was a learning experience for me. I had to shoot 15 or so (not an incredibly large party) children while they 'ooooo'd and aaaaaa'd at the magician, played musical chairs, and crammed there faces with chocolate cake (a delicious chocolate cake by the way). I thought it was all over…not quite. Almost every child was handed a can of
'camera killer ammunition' as they exited the house onto the playground…SILLY STRING! I had to take into consideration that I was hired for this event. I was making a scary decision to capture smiles and screams of children running around spraying everything in sight. "But I had to" I thought. It felt like a game of football as the parents were laughing on the sidelines as they mutilated each other…
But I had the ball. Dodging and weaving between rainbow colored lasers while shooting mid-level at the hip. I came out unscathed and out of breath with nothing ruined but my grass stained slacks. It was a fun birthday and a successful shoot.